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What is Eutony?

Eutony is a bodywork that addresses the neuromuscular tone, or "tonus", promoting the release of chronic tensions, postural reorganization, movement recovery, and psychosomatic balance. Sessions are therapeutic and pedagogically oriented, in which each person is presented to the content in order to integrate them in their daily life.


                                           is the constant electrical activation between the nervous system and the muscles in the whole body.

Before neurological mapping technologies, tonus was considered an involuntary function that was regulated exclusively by unconscious processes. The discoveries of researchers as Ragnar Granit and Koda (Norway, 1946), Sten Grillner (Sweden, 1977), Barry Wyke (England, 1977), Henri Wallon (France, 1957), among others, were crucial to Gerda Alexander (more) in addressing the person's ability to voluntarily modulate their tonus. With the help of Dr. Alfred Bartussek (Germany) in the 1950s, they united the radicals "eu" = "good" and "tonie" = "tone, tonus, tension"; in opposition to dystonia. From deep relaxation to intense activity, "eutony" corresponds to the "good tonus" for the situation while it expands the range of possibilities.



Eutony can be applied as a complementary or integrative therapy to processes of reeducation and rehabilitation, especially local and global dystonias (Hypotonia, Elastic Hypertonia or Spasticity, Plastic Hypertonia or Rigidity). Its therapeutic benefits are reported in processes of:

- Irregular motor control

- Lack of balance

- Impaired postural control and pain relief

- Neurovegetative disorders

- Psychosomatic processes such as insomnia, depression, stress ("burnout"), etc.

- Chronic tensions or contractures

- Cardiorespiratory discomfort

- Fibromyalgia, among others.

Eutony can also be teached in the training of  musicians, actors, dancers, athletes, speakers, among other professionals in their communication, once tonus variation is part of the development of expressiveness and projection.

Sessions consist in hands-on or verbal guidance, and are adapted to age and specific limitations. 

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Débora Oliveira

((therapeutic trajectory)

I work as eutonist in different contexts since my professional certification in 2015. I offer workshops and regular sessions in schools, NGOs, government projects, studios, cultural centers, private rooms, online and with horses (equine-assisted sessions). I'm experienced in working with children, teenagers, and adults (including people with physical and cognitive limitations).

Over the years, I have been researching about the life and work of Gerda Alexander and her collaboration with medical centers, pedagogical and artistic training institutions. I developed a Master's degree research building a centenary bridge between Gerda Alexander early days biography and the scope of work of eutonists by the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Dança of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and my dissertation, entitled "Art Crossing Borders - Gerda Alexander and the Multiplicity of the Professional Activity in Eutony", is currently under publication.


  • Postgraduate (lato sensu) - Neurosciences Applied to Rehabilitation - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 2022-currently on leave of absence

  • Master's degree - Dance - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 2021-2023

  • Horse Riding Therapist - Associação Brasileira de Equoterapia (ANDE-Brasil), 2021

  • Eutonist - Instituto Brasileiro de Eutonia (IBE), 2012-2015
  • Bachelor's degree - Communication of the Arts of the Body - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), 2011-2015



  • Lecturer at the VII National Scientific Meeting of Dance Researchers of the National Association of Dance Researchers (ANDA) with the session"Between stages, streets and hospitals: Gerda Alexander's radical transdisciplinary in the creation of Eutony", 2022

  • Lecturer at BodyIQ 2021 by Somatische Akademie Berlin with the session "Moving with Horses – Reflections on an Interspecies Somatic Experience", 2021

  • Creator and member of the Somatic Research Center, an independent research group on somatic practices at Espaço Semente, São Paulo, 2017-2018

  • Artist-Advisor for the Vocational Program of the City of São Paulo, 2017

  • Granted with scholarship for scientific initiation project “Self-perception - A way to acquire knowledge”, funded by PIBIC-CEPE at PUC/SP, 2013-2014


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Débora Oliveira Online 2024 - Eutonia

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