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about me

Click on the image for descriptions of works in the last 3 years (2020-2023)


I'm Débora Oliveira, and I'm an Eutonist, artist and dance researcher.

Since September 2021 I have been developing my Master's studies at Post Graduate Program in Dance by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGDan-UFRJ). With the project "When art crosses borders - Gerda Alexander and the transdisciplinarity of Eutony", I am mapping Gerda Alexander's training and how her collaboration with arts, educational institutions and with doctors and health centers took place. Gerda Alexander's research culminated in the creation of Eutony, a transdisciplinary body practice focused on neuromuscular tonus, in which I studied at the professional training school in São Paulo, the Instituto Brasileiro de Eutonia (IBE).

In the recent months, I established many partnerships for spending the last semester of my Master's studies in Europe. Through contact with Cultural Institute of Denmark in Brazil, I met the teacher Ph.D. Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, who is part of the Embodiment, Learning and Social Change Research Group at the University of Copenhagen. She will accompany the final writing of my Master's thesis!  

A second partnership will be for a scholar visit at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule - Regensburg, Germany. Prof. Renate Kühnel, responsible for the graduation course in Social Work oriented towards Music and Movement, is a Eurhythmics teacher, the same method that Gerda Alexander studied. Prof. Renate will receive me in the first week of the trip for conversations and to take classes at the university's undergraduate course as an invited researcher.

Another partnership is with Royal Archives of Denmark (Rigsarkivet). I had been authorized to catalog Gerda Alexander's private archive in March 2020, before the COVID-19 outbreak, and was informed that the authorization is still valid for me and I can start when I arrive.  

Two weeks ago, I was approved with a group of researchers from UFRJ to be a speaker at international congress "Dance and Somatic Practices Conference" at Coventry University, in England, between July 13 and 16, 2023. The congress is organized by the Center for Dance Research (C-Dare), with which I have been in contact since 2019 when I was a speaker in the last edition of the congress and since then dedicated to writing of an article for their international journal. 

To make all this possible, the trip is planned to start in March 22, 2023 until the end of the congress in England, on July 16, 2023. So far, I've got major sponsorships that will cover most of the expenses. However, I still need a final extra help for minor expenses, such as mandatory European health insurance, local train and bus tickets, and a symbolic amount for the initial expenses. 

This collective sponsorship is a way of collaborating with the beginning of the final journey of my Master's, and it is also a way of helping to open paths for the doctorate, as some offers are already starting to appear on the horizon. Sponsoring a researcher is investing in paths that are open to everyone. I really believe in this force!


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UFRJ was the first Brazilian university to offer the discipline of Dance as part of the graduation course in Physical Education at the UFRJ in 1939, and it offers the graduation (BA) Dance course since 1993. It offers the third Master's degree in Dance in the country, with following lines of research: “Dance Performance and Performativities”, “Dance Poetics and Interfaces” (including Dance & Health Sciences) and “Dance Education”.

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The Royal Archives of Denmark is the national archive system. Its main objective is to collect, preserve and archive historically valuable records from central authorities such as ministries, agencies and national organizations and make them available to the public. Gerda Alexander's personal archive has been under the protection of the Rigsarkivet since her death in 1994.

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The University of Copenhagen is  Denmark's oldest and largest university and research institution. The research group Embodiment, Learning and Social Change aims to analyse, document and create processes of change in relation to body, learning and social development in diverse contexts, anchored in a holistic understanding of the body, which includes the physical, emotional, social and cultural development dimensions of bodily learning. Gerda Alexander collaborated with the departments of paediatrics, psychology and speech therapy at the hospital of University of Copenhagen.


Coventry University is a public university in England. The biannual Dance and Somatic Practices Conference invites practitioners, dance artists and scholars from a range of somatic practices and disciplines to debate and share research in the field of somatic movement practices. 


Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule - Regensburg is one of the largest institutions of applied sciences in the region of Bavaria, Germany. The graduation in Social Work for Music and Movement is a social assistance course with artistic training, having the arts of music and dance as the initiators of contact, strengthening self-confidence and allowing the holistic development of the personality.   

research abstract

Are you interested in reading the research abstract? You can write your email below and I'll send it to you.

Don't forget to give me feedback with critiques and suggestions. I will love to know what you think about it!

collective sponsorship report

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Flight tickets | Accommodation | Mandatory health insurance | Local travel + initial expenses

Updated February 18, 2023

forms of sponsorship




PayPal e-mail or Brazilian PIX 

 - If you are interested in offering monthly deposits until the month of July, please contact me!

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