Amor Fati
SP Brutalista
Para transformar o corpo em dança
Transforming body into dance
"Para transformar o corpo em dança (Transforming body into dance)" is for inventing everyday life.
It is about exploring "artistic-making" qualities in average actions of everyday life, and how to imply art in life could open new possibilities of existence and living together.
The first subject is the "home". Home as a possibility of belonging and sharing. In this sense, home can be the built house, but also a place, the hug of a beloved person, a common lifestyle. Therefore, the project have been moving as an itinerant artistic residence, looking for sharing everyday life with other artists as a strategy for re-creation. The artistic residencies, as an experience of openness to creation and collective thinking, promote a potential environment to rethink habits from a creative and experimental perspective. I am interested in find out how my body could dwell and dance together wherever I am, and which transformations are needed to make it possible.

Instagram: #paratransformarocorpoemdanca

Next workshop - "Between comfort and courage"
at GTAC (Glasgow Theatre and Arts Collective at Water Row)
Glasgow, Scotland
14 September 2019
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/642515822937226/
at "This house is made of water" of GTAC (Glasgow Theatre and Arts Collective at Water Row)
Glasgow, Scotland
14 September 2019
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/887167724989811/